4 januari 2018
Let me start by wishing you all a very good 2018. I hope the festivities were great and fun and that you were able to close off 2017 on a good note. May 2018 become one heck of a good year concerning Kitty Care and Puppy Care *smiles*
To kick off this year I have added a scan of a promotional picture I found for Kitty Care and Puppy Care in one of the old toy catalogues found on my mother attic. Who says that cleaning up can't be rewarding, right? You can already see the picture of the add here at the log but if you want to learn a bit more about this particular add, then please visit the article: Promoting in the News section. Just scroll down till you are at the part underneath the Argos promotional picture.
In the same section, the News section, you can also see a small update in the Price/Value article where a few prices have been added. The price for the original cats off Kitty Care and the adult original dogs off Puppy Care have been added. As well as a small explanation concerning what I base those prices on.
There has also been made a small update in the News section to the article: Puppy Care Party Dress? A few, sadly, unclear pictures have been added as well as a small update on the outfit. To see the new bits just scroll until you have reached the last picture with the three dogs that was already on there. Behind that picture stands between brackets: original picture.
And last but not least, the list of the Promotional Puppies against real brought out Puppies in the Products section has been updated. A few new Puppies have made their appearance as well as some already known ones have gotten some extra pics behind their name or number. Curious about the new pictures and the new darlings? Then quickle head over to: Promotional Puppies against real brought out Puppies and enjoy: puppy Candy, puppy 25, puppy 26, puppy Lizzie, puppy 35, puppy 42, puppy 47, puppy 51 and puppy 52.
Note that apart from the promo add picture all the newly added pictures are from dogs that don't belong to my own collection but are found on other people's sites.