3 march 2018
I changed the pictures for Kitty cat Poppy as I wasn't too pleased with the ones I had added. Not sure if the new ones are a very big improvement but they are at least a bit better I dare to say. Poppy can be found on the Products page under the Original Cats section.
Puppy Care wise I have added on the Products page under the Off Topic section already pictures for one of my newly owned Soft Touch Puppies. The sweetie is a gorgeous grayish - slightly tilting to the green - Puppy with sof pink spots. And of course she doesn't have a hard plastic body but a soft flocked body as she is part of the Soft Touch line of Puppy Care. You can admire the darling here: Soft Touch Puppy with olive-shaped eyes
Furthermore you may have noticed perhaps that at times pictures have gone missing on the site. This is due to the fact that I have discovered that my picture archive here holds many duplicates of the same picture and I am trying to clean that archive up. It happens then though that at times here or there on the site a certain picture has disappeared as it was deleted in the archive. But I will do my best to track all the missing pictures on the site here down so that I can replace the newly existing blank spot with the remaining picture in the archive. So please bare with me as this site is a bit under construction I guess you could say.