Puppy Care owned by Suruni and Compiih
Enjoy the gorgeous pictures "Suruni" and "Compiih" have taken for their combined Puppy Care collection. A link to their photo album sites is provided in my Links page. You can find there many beautiful pictures of various toys. A visit is definitely worth your time!
Puppies and Ponies together. Hornby and Hasbro united!
playing with pink toilet paper (one of the dog toys I hadn't heard about yet but boy does it look adorable!)
brown group shot!
laying down sweetie
Suruni and I share the same love for this head mold that suruni labels as silly looking whilst I simply find it utter adorable.
one of Suruni's favourites due to its long face that looks sad and old
another "long" face puppy
a Tansy look alike. The eyebrows are however a dead give away that this is in the end a different dog.
two pink young puppies (yes, I am jealous of everyone who basicaly owns one cause they are too adorable!) and a lying down flocked one. The flocked one would have a blue collar and a light purple sock to hold in its mouth if suruni's memory is correct. More to come later on the young puppies from Puppy Care in the News section btw.
Lizzie and a puppy that Suruni loves calling "Pluto"
obligatory group shot!
Candy with a red slipper
the "bulldog" face Puppies
bigger head mold "Bulldogs"
different versions are one just more faded than the other?
four different shades of brown. Also notice how the dogs at the bottom row seem two on two the same yet have different ears.
"olive-shaped" eye Puppies: Candy, Goldie and Pickles
"long" faced Puppies
bigger head mold among the "long" faced Puppies
the "Pluto" face Puppies. The three at the top row, starting from the left, have a bigger head mold.
color variations
the Soft Touch Puppies. Flocked bodies in various colors.
different laying down Soft Touch Puppies
notice the colorful spots and nails on the flocked body
already lost some of their flocking
young Puppies
the two on the right look very much the same but notice their different hair color
is the right one a different version or just a shaded one?
young Puppy with unique body mold. It holds the Hornby ID mark in its ear but has four toes instead of three toes like all the other Honrby Puppies and young Puppies:
this Lizzie also has an unique body mold compared to the more known version:
front left paw is folded in instead of more stretched
four toes instead of the normal three toes
body is more massive in comparison
the hole for the toy is closed and not open like usually