Puppy Care Jockey Outfit

One of the twelve known outfits that was released for Puppy Care.

The outfit exists out of a large red with blue checkered pattern jacket with a white collar although I have a jacket that has a red with purple checkered pattern and white collar.  Fabrication error perhaps or do there exist two different colored variations for this outfit? 

The fabric of the jacket feels smooth and has a shining ring to it.  With the jacket comes a pair of white pants and a cap in the same colors as the jacket.  A red collar with yellow buckle completes the outfit.

My complete outfit was bought at a bargain sale of an old toy shop in Belgium whilst the red with purple checkered pattern jacket was bought in The Netherlands.

Promo shot:

In package:


Unpacked complete outfit:

Unpacked jacket with the red and purple checkered pattern:

Pluto face Puppy modelling the jockey outfit:

             notice the cute hole in the pants for the Puppy's tail

Winston modelling the red with purple checkered pattern jacket:


Thomas modelling the jacket: