10 October 2018
Hello and my apologies for my long absence. I fear life snuck up on me with its business. I did try to keep an eye out for Kitty Care and Puppy Care on the net and have managed to gather during my abscence some more pictures from other people whilst also myself scoring a "Sophie" cat. Hopefully I can dedicate back some more time anew to the site and update certain sections and add here and there a thing or two. Starting with a message that was left in the "guestbook" by Karoliina.
Karoliina is the person behind the gorgeously drawn Bobby here and the wonderful drawn Kitty Care logo. If you would like some item like a journal, a T-shirt, pillow, plain sticker, a bag, ... with gorgeous Bobby decorating it, you can always contact Karoliina then through her Redbubble store and also see there how the end product will look like. I will add the site also in the Links page so it can be easily found anew.
And also a thank you to Karoliina for having noticed an error in the Links page. I fear I had called the site Toy 'Stache a Russian site while it has to be Finnish one. I corrected the mistake and am grateful that it was noticed and pointed out to me. Please, should you yourself also discover a mistake, feel free to let me know.