Ever since I have started looking for more information on the internet for Kitty Care, I have come to discover that at times there are differences between the promotional pictures that were brought out and the real cats, clothes and items one could eventually buy. I thought it would perhaps be fun to look at which cats have trully been produced (for as far as I know currently) and which cats weren't given a promotional picture at all. And hopefully in time this list will grow.
To make it easier to navigate this list and to ID your Kitty, each Kitty only has a few pictures behind its name to show how it looks brought out. If you want to see more pictures from one particular Kitty, please head to the Kitty Care page on Pinterest that I have specifically designed for this purpose:
Note that the pics have been gathered over the years from e-bay and other people's sites so not all pictures belong to me. You can find in my Links page the links that lead to the various websites off the other people who have posted over the years pictures of their Kitty Care cats.
No "Bertie" has been found so far that is the spitting image of either promotional picture that has been released for him. There exists however a black, male cat with blue hair and blue eyes looking straight ahead that comes very close to being a "Bertie". So perhaps in the end the final version of Bertie got a different pose compared to the two poses he demonstrates in his promotional pictures. If that is the case then Bertie has no front right paw lifted in the air or a bald head as in the first promotional picture nor does he have a folded front left paw as in the second version.
"Bobby" remains unfindable too as he has been portrayed in his promotional pictures but I have found two versions that could be him.
The first candidat and the most fitting one: green eyes looking straight ahead, matching the second promotional picture but not the first as there Bobby looks sideways. And pose-wise he also doesn't lift his front paw as in the first released promotional picture nor does he have a folded left front paw as in the second released picture for him. Furthermore did Hornby decide to go color wise with the first promotional released picture version Bobby as the final version doesn't sport white socks like the version in the second released picture by them.
But look also at this next darling. Doesn't he ressemble the candidat above a lot? Only the eye color is different, namely orange eyes instead of green ones. For the rest he looks exactly the same. So is this a different brought out version of "Bobby"? Who knows ...
"Henry" was produced as an exact match to the one shown in the second released promotional picture of him. In the end his eyes thus glance right and are they green instead of orange ...
"Katie" is a real mystery as I have two cats that could be her. Who knows, perhaps Hornby did bring out two different versions of her?
The first candidate ressembles mostly the first promotional picture. The only difference with this picture is that her eyes are glancing in a different direction and that she doesn't have a right front paw lifted in the air but has her left front paw folded lightly. The eyes however do match up with the Katie from the second released picture for her but here her stance is completely off as the in this second released picture Katie seems to be standing in the crouched position.
The second candidate is the spitting image of Katie in the second promotional picture, provided I am right and she is pictured there in the crouched position. If so, then this darling below is the perfect candidate to wear the name "Katie".
Since I own a "Lizzie" myself, I can only conclude that she truly was produced like this ...
"Monty" clearly was produced as he is in the second released promotional picture of him. Thus in comparisson with the first released picture orange eyes instead of blue eyes and those eyes glancing forward instead of sideways. Not to forget of course the hair the boy got on top of his head. Must be warmer for him like this ...
"Pickles" was released as she is in her second promotional picture. Eyes glancing sideways instead of the darling looking straighforward and having blue eyes instead of green ones...
No "Poppy" on the horizon so far unless Poppy was released as she is portrayed in the second released promotional picture and not like she was shown in the first released promo picture. Cause let us face it, this darling is the spitting image of the second promo picture, now isn't she?
"Samantha" is one of the sweethearts that seems to pop in everyone's collection. In both promotional pictures she looks exactly the same and also the brought out version is a spitting image of this darling ...
"Sophie" came to life as the spitting image of how she is portrayed in her second released promotional picture. In the end she thus has yellow eyes instead of blue ones and is she looking straight forward and not glancing sideways. She also favours her other front leg in the brought out version in comparison to the first promotional picture. Just as she is portrayed pose-wise in the second released picture of her ...
I haven't managed to spot a "Thomas" anywhere yet as he is portrayed in the first released promotional picture. But if I am right and he is portrayed in the crouched down position in his second promotional picture, then I have owned a "Thomas" since my childhood that I wrongfully called "Henry". Thomas is then the spitting image of his second promo picture. No right front paw lifted in the air then and no bald head but a crouched down position and a lovely bunch of blue hair on top of his head.
Another one of those lovely cuties that pops up in many collections and that hasn't changed between the promotional released pictures or in the way he was brought out. "Winston" is in every version exactly the same.
13) Sweet Dreamers Sophie belongs to my own collection as well as other people's collection so she is very real ...
14) Sweet Dreamers Josie also exists as she is also part of my collection ...
15) Sweet Dreamers Barney doesn't have to fear either as this darling also pops up in various collections ...
16) I may still not own a Sweet Dreamers Toby but I do know someone who has her for real. Now to hope one day I can also add her to my own collection ...
17) Next one is a kitty cat with a flocked body. So far no information has been found yet about the darling - we are calling her for now a Soft Touch Kitty as the puppies from Puppy Care with a flocked body hold this name - and the one featured here is also the only one I know off who belongs to someone else's collection ...
18) And to end this sweetie that was brought in the "Sweet Dreamers" package with also the typical "Sweet Dreamers" sleeping eyes but with the added touch of a flocked body. So far no information has been found yet about the darling - we are calling her for now also Soft Touch Kitty just like the flocked Puppies from Puppy Care and the one here above under number 17 - and the one featured here is also the only one I know off who belongs to someone else's collection ...